Practical help needed for Mananya: Tasks 1-5

Practical help needed for Mananya: Tasks 1-5
23 April 2011
Dear Mananya’s friends,

Today, the Thai friends team led by Pam have (obsessive-compulsively) cleaned out the rest of Mananya’s apartment. We have quite a few tasks left to be done. Some of them can really use your help (esp if you are local). 

If you want to help out on any task, please email the contact person to coordinate the efforts. Thank you very much for your kindness! 


Task 1:
Take the queen size mattress and box spring from Mananya’s apartment and bring it to Gift’s apartment or your home if you want them. 
— Coordinate with gift. Gift has the key. 

Task 2:
Take Mananya’s medicines and dispose them according to the law. You will have to pledge confidentiality and respect patient’s privacy. 
— take them from mock 

Task 3:
Take Mananya’s electronic junks and donate or dispose them properly. Most of them are still functional. 
— take them from mock 

Task 4:
Figure out how to securely wipe data off Mananya’s old MacBook (more than 6 years old). Alternatively, just take the hard drive out and destroy the hard drive. Then donate/recycle the computer. 
— take it from mock 

Task 5:
Figure out how to do Mananya’s tax. It’s now very late (she passed away on the tax filing deadline). and we don’t even have the W2 on hand. But if you know the law and have time to help, we may be able to recover some tax return for her parents. 
— discuss with Mock

More tasks will be published later! 

Thank you!!!
– mock (Panuakdet Suwannatat)

PS. See Mananya’s updates (past and future) at

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